Photo of a shotgun about to be cleaned

If the gun fails to fire in that situation, you probably won’t live to regret it anyway. Neither will your family. (Of course, you can hide in your room and wait for your local overworked and understaffed police force to come to your rescue. But that’s another subject.) Clean Your Gun! Cleaning Tips Use a …

Gun Cleaning TipsRead More »

Disaster Preperations

When it comes to emergency preparedness, it’s easy to get lulled into a sense of complacency. It’s difficult to face the reality that disaster could strike close to home, even though we’ve witnessed the devastation that comes from disasters like Hurricane Katrina, the Asian tsunami, the tornado that flattened a Kansas town, and terrorist attacks …

When an Emergency Strikes, Disaster Survival Gear Saves LivesRead More »

Many feeding, firing, and accuracy problems can be corrected by a good cleaning. Simply running a brush through the bore a few times, followed by a couple of patches and then spraying the action with a little WD-40 is not cleaning. It is a slow methodical destruction of a considerable investment. Like everything else in …

Gun Cleaning 101Read More »