A little information about tying knots has saved a lot of lives. Whether you’re in a storm on the water or in a storm on the land, cover and shelter is important. Making sure that your knots hold while you’re climbing or that the cache you hung from the tree while camping stays where it should be is nothing short of imperative. Knot tying is an old art that is a necessity for preppers, fishermen, firemen, sailors, campers and just about everyone else who wants to get along in the outdoor world. In fact, even when you’re just moving, you’ve got to be sure that the things you tie down for your move stay tied down and that the knots that you tie are going to hold.
There are literally hundreds of knots out there that have been used for centuries by sailors and fishermen. Firefighters too depend on different knots to secure equipment and ensure their own safety. Just a few of the most common knots are found here, as well as some directions, along with illustrations which have been provided by a project Gutenberg out of copyright book. The book link has been included at the end of the text for your download convenience.
Kinds of Rope to Consider
Not all rope is created equal. It goes without saying that you don’t want to use thin cotton rope like clothesline in instances where your life depends on it. The question is, what kind of rope is best for those purposes. A great deal of rope is created that really isn’t worth your time to consider.
The strength of any rope can be estimated by taking a look at how many strands are used to make it, the method of twisting as well as knowing offhand what kind of methods are used to bleach or clean it. In addition, the amount of material that is used to make each strand is also important as well as how it reacts to other factors, such as water.
Nylon rope is fairly strong but it does lose some strength, about 10-15 percent when it is wet.
Probably the best rope that you’re going to find is static kernmantle. It is strong, holds a knot well and offers a reasonable resistance to abrasion. Remember any time that you use your rope for a rescue or life saving situation, that rope should always be retired and replaced.
Tying Knots-The Basic Knots You May Need
The basic parts of a rope include the standing part, or the center of the rope. The bight, the part that is being looped, and the end. Those are shown here.
Basic Knots
Among the Most Often Used Knots
These are among the most often used knots that you’ll need to know. You can use them for ascending, descending, for hauling, for rigging and even for Fishing, Hunting, Camping and Climbing and even Firefighting are:
Bowline Knot
The “Bow-line” is truly the hero of knots and you’ll find this knot in sailing as well as in firefighting. When you can tie this knot every time, you can honestly say that you’re a prepper. It’s an honest survival knot and rarely will it every slip, jam up or fail.
Clove Hitch
To make this, pass the end of rope around the spar or timber, then over itself, then you’ll pass it over and around the spar, and pass the end under itself and between rope and spar, as shown in the illustration here.
Timber Hitch
“Timber Hitch” is actually an even better knot than the clove hitch. It slips less and holds better. It is not difficult and is made by passing the end of a rope around a log, then around the standing part of the rope and then twist it three or more times around, under and over itself as shown in the figure above.
Figure 8
A figure 8 knot is very easy to make. It’s nearly as simple and straightforward as the overhand knot and you can see very easily how to make it from the image shown here..