Winter hiking can be a tranquil even surreal experience when done properly. The peace of walking through cold and wintry scenes captured in the outdoors is considered by many to be a great way to spend a day. Additional precautions are needed when hiking in the winter, however, as winter weather can create a number …
Category: Outdoor Gear
Backpacking can be a fun and exciting adventure in nature, but surviving in the outdoors with only your gear is a dangerous risk for someone with no backpacking experience. Before even planning your first backpacking trip, become familiar with common terms, the necessary gear and equipment, and outdoor accident response and first aid procedures. Read …
Time out of doors is a precious commodity to the outdoor enthusiast – but are we getting the most out of this time. One way to ensure maximum backcountry enjoyment is to get the most possible value from the gear you acquire and use. Here are 5 ways to get the most out of your …